Hope In Uncertainty

Hope: a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. How do we have hope in a “certain thing,” when we have so much uncertainty during this time. Hope. A word I keep hearing. A word that people keep telling us to have. But how do you have hope? I honestly couldn’t tell you an exact answer, but I can tell you how sometimes I can see a glimpse of it. 

Jesus came so that we could find comfort in knowing that He is all things. He is provision. He is life. He can sit with us in our sadness and in our pain. He becomes human in all the ways that we need him to when we need him to so that we don’t have to write off or discredit the way we feel or the disgusting circumstances we find ourselves in. He came so that in those moments of sorrow and a lack of hope, he could be that hope for us. Jesus came to rewrite our stories, our tragedies and our pain. He came to give us hope in the things that we can’t see. Our world wants hope to look like something that is certain. But Jesus wants hope to be the faith that we find when we look into his eyes. His eyes are the certainty in this time. 

I never want to discredit the pain and loss so many have felt during this time. I am privileged to be able to even sit here and write about hope in uncertain times and it makes me sick to think that even some of the people I love most have no time to try and find hope because they are just trying to survive. But one thing I do know is that Jesus is close to the broken hearted, he takes delight in the poor and he wants every single one of His children to find hope in his eyes. I know all of us need a part of our stories to be rewritten by Jesus and the hope is that he can. He can undo, redo, rework, retell and rewrite all that we need him to. He is ready to give us the hope that we long to see, but when we understand that hope doesn’t mean that everything in that moment is going to be ok, it means that when we let Jesus be that hope for us we stop trying to figure it out and we start opening up our hands to let Jesus do the job he has always wanted to do for us.

Jennifer Meadows